The 4150 barrel is nitride treated for accuracy and durability and is pressed into a new hammer forged front trunnion to ensure the longevity AK-47s are known for. All Anvil Rifles are Hammer Forged with a hammer forged bolt, carrier, and front trunnion. The introduction of the new Boosted Loader hop up will defnitely be really intersting as this is has the potential to create crazy highlight reel for players.The DPMS Anvil was designed from the ground up to be a new standard in AK-47 rifles, utilizing all new precision manufactured parts. The perk of the quickdraw hop-up will be installed in all pistols to a lesser degree.This hop up will be equipable to the Hemlok Burst AR and the Wingman. Reloading near empty (but not at 0) increases reload speed and overloads the next magazine with extra rounds. A new hop “Boosted Loader” will join its place.Quickdraw and Anvil receiver removed from the hop-up pool.

Sniper Stocks on Marksman weapons will offer increased stability and sway reduction with slightly reduced handling bonuses (from tactical stocks).Marksman Weapons ( 30-30 Repeater, G7 Scout, Triple-Take) now take Sniper Stocks instead of Tactical Stocks.

All stocks now offer increased reload speed (instead of magazines).Removed: Wingman, Bocek, R99, Hemlock, and Sentinel.Added: Peacekeeper, Rampage, RE-45, Flatline, and Charge Rifle.It was first introduced back in season 2 and with this hop-up installed armors will melt like butter. The fan-favorite disruptor rounds are finally making a return. Since end fights in the current meta revolve around level 4 red Evo shield with massive hit points, it makes a lot of sense for Respawn to put both Spitfire and Alternator with disruptor rounds to level the battlefield in the last zone. Alternator with disruptor rounds will join the Spitfire in the care package.Spitfire will be buffed to its past state and enter the care package.Prowler goes back to the ground loot as a burst fire-only weapon.Significantly reduced bolt fire-rate scaling for each rarity tierĬare package changes apply to arenas: the Prowler and Rampage replace the Alternator and Spitfire in the Arenas shop.Disruptor Rounds can only be found on Alternators from the Supply Drop.Disruptor Rounds – Increase shield damage by 40%.Reintroducing the Disruptor Rounds which come equipped on a Supply Drop Alternator.Purple Mag Size increased from 50 to 55.Hip Fire Spread back to season 8 pre-nerf values.Time Between Burst increased from 0.2 to. Reduced handling time for all pistols by ~10%.Increased the limbshot multiplier for all LMGs from 0.75 to 0.85.